Hello world APL language

Hope you remember I had mentioned about APL before.

  1. Download Dyalog from here with email (SERIALNUMBER will be sent to your email).
  2. As mentioned in here

       # install dependencies
       sudo apt install libncurses5
       # Add you serial number to this file.
       vim $HOME/.dyalog/serial
  3. Download and install RIDE package
  4. Run from installed programs. Look for Dyalog APL (not Dyalog APL TTY) or run the below.

          env RIDE_SPAWN=/usr/bin/dyalog /usr/bin/ride-4.4

Hello World

`i 10

# displays 1 to 10 both inclusive.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

# this is reduce operation

# this is a scan operation.

      +\⍳ 10
1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55

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My Vision

If you can think in APL for your program, you can write better parallel codes in OMP or CUDA.

★ 2 min read · Rajesh Pandian M · APL , coding