Learning coronavirus
Instead of keeping myself busy with work and am keepking busy with COVID work!
Since the last post, just wanted put the timeline of instances that we keep leaning. There are a lot we do not know about this new virus. SARS-COV-2!
Jan/Feb/Mar Screening passengers for fever at airports.
714 days quarantine of people who travelling via/from infected countries. we do not have enough quarantine facilities. Home quarantine is the best option.20-Jan:
It can spread from animal to humanIt can spread from human to human.- 16-Mar: Lock-down inevitable to bend the curve.
Vox video and worse than flu
17-Mar: Social distancing, 20s of hand-washing, elbow-couching.
- 20-Mar: It can live longer on surfaces like wood, plastic, stainless steel, elevator switches, door knob/handles, and railings, etc.
- 22-Mar: Coronavirus is a family of viruses. Even common cold is caused due to one of it.
- 26-Mar: Asymptomatic patients who got infected may infect others during.
It takes up to 14 days to show symptoms.
- Every one including healthy and affected must wear mask.
Dr. Kim of Korea video1
- It spreads to health care workers easily. It spreads in closed environment easily.
- It might stay in air longer.
Source video: Time from 1:36
- It can spread in stool of infected and/or recovered.
Scary! Can it have an lasting effect on people?
- Recovered persons may get infected again. WTH!
Even recovered person to home quarantine extended to
1428 days. - 16-Apr: It can spread from dead bodies of COVID death patients. Action: Cremate! no rituals.
Dr. Kim of Korea video2 //relapse vs reinfection. cremate. mask.