CUDA clang running on GPU
After gaining a lot of insights from a CppCon 2016 talk Bringing Clang and C++ to GPUs I decided to try clang code to run on GPU using the CUDA Clang docs
- Use clang 17 (or 16 should work as well!)
- Installation of CUDA toolkit is assumed. Have drivers and a GPU
- file .cu -> .ptx -> .out
- clang -> ptxas -> sass -> exe
clang 14 ## did not work with Cuda 12.2 nor 11.8
clang-15 ## NOT WORKING // sudo apt install clang-15
clang-17 ## OK GOOD.
## STIL did not work? Nope! It worked
## native
clang++-17 -o axpy.out --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_86 -L/usr/local/cuda-12.2/lib64 -lcudart_static -ldl -lrt -pthread
## and from HPC tool kit also. Ignore the warining.
clang++-17 -o axpy.out --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_86 -L/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/24.3/cuda/11.8/lib64 -lcudart_static -ldl -lrt -pthread
y[0] = 2
y[1] = 4
y[2] = 6
y[3] = 8
Errors before fixing it!
/usr/lib/llvm-15/lib/clang/15.0.7/include/__clang_cuda_texture_intrinsics.h:696:13: error: no template named 'texture'
texture<__DataT, __TexT, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> __handle,
/usr/lib/llvm-15/lib/clang/15.0.7/include/__clang_cuda_texture_intrinsics.h:709:13: error: no template named 'texture'
texture<__DataT, __TexT, cudaReadModeElementType> __handle,
2 errors generated when compiling for sm_86.