Card game play - Rummy
Indian Rummy; 13 Cards Rummy or Points Rummy.
- Rummy
- Rummy with open joker
- 13 x 4 + 2 jokers = 54 cards = 1 deck
- For 2 players = 1 deck
- If 2-5 players = 2 deck
- If 6+ player = 3 deck
Shuffle, dealing, start, circular turns, declare, and score!
- Dealing: to every player with 13; cut open card and game joker.
- Circular-turn: in a player’s turn should pick and discard
- Declare: in a players turn after picking, closd a card and show melds
- Scoring: verify declaration and others points, and update score!
Meld is 3+ cards of seq/run or set! Note a set is 3 or 4!
Prioritize these first!
- Aim for pure sequence/run (original rummy)
- Aim for pure/impure sequence (or additional rummy or second run/seq)
- Aim if sets (or dummy) or pure/impure sequence possible
- Aim for 4th card
- If someone declared, rearrange to minimize your score points
OWN: Maximize your probability towards winning
Minimize points
Assuming you have a pure run and second sequence
- In a two impure sequence, keep joker to the largest sequence.
- In a 4 card meld, try to reuse start/end card to make a set
- In a 4+ card meld with stating/ending joker, reuse the joker to other melds
In a 3 card meld (for 3rd) break to make set if any
- {2
, 3
} {9
, 10
} Point=18
, 3
} {9
, 10
} Points=5 2.
OTHER: Guessing opponents
// Todo